The Travellers
In the land of Garvan there lies an enchanted forest, whose tree whisper the secrets of ages past, when magic ruled the world. When a young traveller hears the whispers he releases an Ancient Evil but will he defeat it or join it?
In the land of Garvan there lies an enchanted forest, whose tree whisper the secrets of ages past, when magic ruled the world. When a young traveller hears the whispers he releases an Ancient Evil but will he defeat it or join it?
COMPLETE #1 in Fantasy #1 in Adventure #1 in Historical Fiction ---------- Sometimes, believing helps us to see truth. Other times, we need a little evidence to believe. But there is truth behind everything; every false manoeuvre, ever little lie...a small piece of truth is hidden. Just like truth is wound into le...
Do you ever have the sudden urge to feel your skin crawl? Ever want to read something so utterly terrifying that it sends shivers down your spine? Creeps Corner is filled with scary stories and urban legends written and told with the intention to give you the creeps. These stories range from paranormal to murder myste...