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  • Nerd in Disguise: Blood Bound
    16M 530K 42

    As the only daughter to one of the most powerful Mafia families, Shay has sought to figure out her own path despite the overbearing pressures from her Family. After a family dispute leads to Shay and her mother to go into hiding, Shay attends Elite academy--her own perfect Hell. With an incredibly awful (or ingenious)...

    1.8M 50.2K 1K

    Bullying is a very serious issue that effects the lives of many. I hope that by many of us sharing our personal stories, it will not only help victims realize that they are not alone, but also help bullies realize how strongly their actions and words can effect others. If you've experienced bullying and would like to...

  • It's Payback Time ( A KathNiel FanFic. )
    9.3K 194 3

    I'm back. I'm back for the payback. Payback for playing about my feelings. Payback for playing of me. Payback for fooling me . And I'm back... To this all payback... That you can also call... REVENGE.