Wiccan Spells and Chants. (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced)
Wiccan spells, chants, and information.
Wiccan spells, chants, and information.
THIS IS MY SPELL BOOK. When I first became a Wiccan I found that I had to do massive amounts of research to find the spells and incantations that I was looking for. Good spell books cost massive amounts of money and some aren’t suitable for beginners. So I decided to put together a book that had a collection of wiccan...
Pagan music is hard to find so I'm going to list the lyrics, singer, and cd name. BLESSED BE!!! )O(
Pagan and Wiccan spells based on spells found in books by Silver Ravenwolf, Scott Cunningham and other authors. You may adapt these to fit you.