Joker & Harley |zakończone|
*PL* "Smile, Because it confuses people Smile, Because it's easier than explaining what is killing you inside" - The Joker
*PL* "Smile, Because it confuses people Smile, Because it's easier than explaining what is killing you inside" - The Joker
❝He didn't say anything, just stared. A malicious glint came to his eyes. "Rey, I did not think you could be this foolish. I am years older than you, physically and mentally. How could I ever fall for a Jedi? I am stronger that that." This was what he reiterated in his head every day, every second he thought about her...
Znacie to uczucie kiedy nienawidzicie drugiej osoby tak mocno, że sama jej obecność budzi w was wyłącznie negatywne emocje? A każde słowo przez nią wypowiedziane brzmi jak najgorsze przekleństwo? Jednak gdy ta osoba oddali się od was choćby na odległość metra w sercu pojawia się dziwne uczucie, coś jakby tęsknota? C...