Nezushi reunion
Nezumi and Shion are reunited after a long time. Might have more added onto later... Depends. For now it's only a oneshot.
Nezumi and Shion are reunited after a long time. Might have more added onto later... Depends. For now it's only a oneshot.
Wooo No.6 fanfic! I may make more, but for now enjoy my first attempt I gues s. (Title is pretty self explanatory)
Nezumi's been gone for five years. Shion has been going on living for five years, helping reconstruct and taking care of the child he found. Will the two be reunited? Will Shion live long enough or will he give up before that day comes?
Shion thinks about Nezumi and the other people in his life whom he loves. ( but let's be honest, it's mainly Nezumi)
Tag 1850 war Stichtag. Shion konnte einfach nicht mehr, wollte nicht mehr den Schmerz fühlen, den nur Nezumi hätte lindern können. Er hatte es satt zu warten, auszuharren, andere sich selbst vorzuziehen. 'Es tut mir Leid Nezumi. Aber ich kann einfach nicht mehr...' [Beeinhaltet evtl. OOC-ness-]
Nezumi und Shion verbringen einen Sylvesterabend zusammen. Doch irgendwie verhält sich Shion merkwürdig, als würde er etwas vor der schönen Ratte verbergen...
Shion verbringt Heiligabend mit seiner Familie, bestehend aus Karan, Lilli, Inukashi, Shion Junior und Rikiga. Doch er wartet immer noch auf Nezumi...
Shion had been bullied everywhere he went. He had had trouble to stay positive, but he always smiled, even if he felt like dying. Though it stopped after his last move. He and his new friend, Nezumi, don't only go to the same school, but also leave the city, meet new people, have fun, go through hell and fall in love...