17 Black
When sassy, stubborn high school football star Louis Tomlinson meets the new hard-ass team coach, Harry Styles, a heated rivalry sparks between the two and it is evident that the upcoming season is sure to be eventful.
When sassy, stubborn high school football star Louis Tomlinson meets the new hard-ass team coach, Harry Styles, a heated rivalry sparks between the two and it is evident that the upcoming season is sure to be eventful.
"tu es si petit." et comme pour prouver ce qu'il venait de dire, louis serra harry dans ses bras, et harry se colla contre son torse, plaçant sa tête aussi proche que possible de louis. "ma jolie poupée de papier." et louis le serra à nouveau, déposant un baiser tremblant mais chaud contre le front froid d'harry. harr...