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  • I love but after hating
    41 2 2

    Este vorba de o fata de 18 ani , care traia intr-o vila uriasa , "Vila Stensons". Ea era foarte bogata , pana cand s-a intamplat ceva groaznic ... Personaje: Harry Styles-Harry Styles Niall Horan-Niall Horan Nina Dobrev-Nina Dobrev Selena Gomez-Selena gomez Personajele principale: Justin Biber-Justin Biber Harry Styl...

  • Can you let me live as I am?
    3 0 1

    Just a girl with hope... She s so stuck, everyone want to her to be perfect, but that s not her idea, she just want to be Elena...

  • Today and tomorrow all I
    150 11 7

    Bunaaa <3 Acestea sunt personajele povestiri ! :3! Harry styles Dephni =Mama Antonia=Nina dobrev zayn-Zayn malik... Micky =prietena mea ( Selena gomez)