바이올린의 죽음 (The Violin's Death) | Korean & English
최고 랭킹 : 단편소설 1위! Best Ranking : #1 in Short Story! (Korean) This is the short novel written in Korean & English. 이 소설은 한국어와 영어로 적혀있는 단편소설입니다.
최고 랭킹 : 단편소설 1위! Best Ranking : #1 in Short Story! (Korean) This is the short novel written in Korean & English. 이 소설은 한국어와 영어로 적혀있는 단편소설입니다.
Thoughts of a Voiceless Poet. ... "It's because people have dressed up mental illness like a doll. Giving it different clothes for every occasion; against its will. They've changed its face countless of times, until it can't even recognize itself."