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  • From End - Volumul 1
    3.3K 354 18

    "From end - Volumul 1" Cand spui sa o iei DE LA CAPAT, intelegi ca sa renunti la tot trecutul tau, fie bun sa sau rau. Maia si Ross au vieti perfecte pana la o anumita varsta cand viata le da lovituri nestapanite cu urmari groaznice. Parintii lor isi refac viata si asa Ross si Maia au ocazia sa se intalneasca. Amandoi...

  • Rydellington Means Forever
    14.9K 433 39

    Rydel Lynch has a crush on Ellington. But He is dating Kelly. but really he starts having feelings for Rydel. Rydel is sad because she feels like she's not that good for him. Other than that, she starts getting hate and brings her down even more down. she starts to get suicidal and starves from the hate. Will Ellingto...

  • Rydellington Oneshots (Discontinued)
    39.5K 1.4K 52

    Do you enjoy reading scenarios about the relationship between Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff? Do you enjoy having your heart fill with so many feels that its like it's about to explode? Do you enjoy fluff that's so fluffy a unicorn would enjoy it? Do you enjoy your heart being torn from your chest and being stomped...

  • Missing home
    813 182 16

  • It was just a dream
    5.1K 539 28

    Soarta le pregateste multe surprize si destinul tine neaparat sa ii desparta !? Ross in urma unui accident are un vis ciudat pe timpul cat e in coma, care parea a fi real, dar confuz si plin de dezamagiri si ura. Visul incepe sa se adevareasca in mici parti, desi sub forme diferite.

  • If I Can't Be With You (A Rydellington Love Story)
    66.7K 2.3K 47

    Sequel to Fallin For You (An Rydellington Love Story)! Rydel and Ellington have a new child named Rosie. Ellington accidentally gets addicted to something. Rydel feels so alone. As Rosie grows, she starts noticing things that they don't think she does. Ryde and Ellington start having problems with their marriage. Will...

  • R5 Facts
    17K 1.8K 183

    Aici voi scrie totul ce stiu despre R5 si despre membrii trupei . Puteti gasi: -linkuri si clipurile lor integrale -facts -pareri propii -subiecte de comentat #R5Family ROSS ROCKY RYDEL ELLINGTON RIKER #SEXY

  • Stay With Me-Ross Lynch Fanfiction
    13.5K 618 18

    Kim Smith,o fata normala de 18 ani,prietena inca din copilarie cu Ross Lynch,membrul trupei R5,se mutase la varsta de 16 ani in Londra. Le-a fost greu sa se desparta si sa lase in urma tot ce se intamplase intre ei-de la prima atingere a mainilor,pana la primul sarut. E vacanta de vara pentru Kim,asa ca s-a gandit sa...

  • Raura: Hidden Feelings
    31.8M 194K 35

    Laura Marano is having a hard time in life until she meets R5! The Lynch family!

  • Urasc sa te iubesc
    2.1K 137 9

    In aceasta poveste este vorba despre Ross Lynch baiatul rau al scolii si Laura Marano tocilara scolii . Cei doi au de facut un proect de facut impreuna si cei doi dezvolt intre timp ceva foarte puternic intre ei . Cititi , aflati si comentati . ☆RYDIAH☆

  • Am I A Player?{Sequel}
    8.8K 561 32

    Vara s-a incheiat,iar Kim si Ross sunt mai fericiti ca niciodata,dar urmeaza o perioada care le va pune la incercare increderea unul fata de celalalt si,mai important,sentimentele lor. Liceul pe care il urmeaza ea este plin de necunoscut si de noi tentatii,lucru care nu face pe nimeni fericit. Va reusi Kim sa treaca t...
