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  • Better Than Revenge [Unedited - 2012 Version]
    15.5M 397K 49

    Christian Ryder may be seen as a heartthrob by the majority of the world's female population, but to Sophia Hastings, he might as well be the newest addition to her hometown's local zoo. Sophia is a young, aspiring actress with big dreams who swears having to work with Christian Ryder wouldn't be worth all the fame in...

  • Idiot For Hire [On Hold]
    143K 4.4K 12

    Hire the idiot, they said. It will be fun, they said. Adriana Martella is impulsive, bratty, and miserable. Nathan Byers is good-looking, charismatic, and cheerful. Adriana feels trapped in a life she doesn't want, but Nathan seems to think he's the answer to all of her problems, including her need for a replacement...

  • Not all Blondes do Backflips
    16.6M 338K 28

    Stereotypes. I hate them. On my first day at my new school, a girl in a blue and white cheerleader's uniform told me I 'looked like a cheerleader' and asked me to come to tryouts. I almost decked her. Blonde hair and blue eyes do not a cheerleader make. Cheerleaders can be bitchy and mean but they can also act all hap...

  • Cloudy With A Chance of Cliché
    938 81 10

    University was a bitch. Let me get this straight. There are more than two ways on how to tell a story. Since I don't know any other, we're going to have to do this my way. You might want to buckle up. In case you were wondering, the name's Alexis. Alexis Fox. Commonly referred to as Alex. You'd think that after you'...

  • Living High School to the Fullest (Completed)
    6.2M 108K 37

    Sarah's senior year is coming up - and she decided to make the most of it. She is a girl on a mission: living high school to the fullest. Together with her best friend Emma she writes a bucket list for her last year in high school. Sarah is determined to experience everything she has missed out on so far, like "Have...

  • [ON HOLD] 36 Students in a Classroom
    3M 116K 21

    Update: This story has been discontinued. - I am terribly sorry. Your mother lied to you. She told you that you were unique, and that as a teenager you have a whole bunch of options you can choose from to determine who you want to be. She must have been high. Look, I'm going to tell you this honestly. Somewhere out t...

  • 500 Words in a Chapter
    537K 23.8K 10

    Let's face it. There are way more cliché books on this website than there are unique ones. Even the ones people say are unique tend to have some kind of cliché undertone. And then the ones that really are unique almost never ever get discovered. And it sucks. But for those of you who don't know your book is cliché, th...

  • Musically Gifted? Well, I Used to Play the Recorder...
    1M 37.3K 23

    "Remind me again why I thought spending six weeks with a bunch of hyperactive, sweaty and supposedly 'musically gifted' kids was a good idea?" Bailey Cunningham has gone and taken the plunge - she's not only signed up for the job of a camp counselor at Triple Lakes Camp for Musically Gifted Children, but she's roped...
