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  • Where there's an airhorn, there's a way!
    21 0 1

    The UN meeting has fallen once again into disarray, and Germany is about to have kittens because if it! Who could save the meeting? Uhhh... Well I forgot his name, you'll just have to read it I find out!

  • Where Thou Art, That Is Home (Hetalia Fanfic)
    217K 8.4K 100

    Book Two of the "Home" series. "Don't be scared, Tael. Things might look bad but they will get better. They always do." "But how can you know for sure?" "Because I just do." Some of you might remember Alice Carlea Jones, sometimes known as Melina Andrews. Well, she got married. She has three children now, too. And som...

  • Rapunzel, Eh? {To Be Continued Soon!}
    4.4K 151 11

    "Why am I here, Martin?" "Why haven't you told me anything?" "Why aren't you answering me?" There have been questions floating around in Alice's head ever since that day. The day she was introduced to a tower hidden by the trees, where her destiny had fated her to spend eternity. There was always something about thi...

  • Snowed In (Hetalia Fan-Fic)
    57.7K 2.1K 25

    What do you get when you have a bunch of countries trapped in a cabin in the cold for more than a week? The best punch line ever, for a fangirl. Now with added angst!

  • Six Degrees of Seperation (A GiriPan Fanfic)
    7.2K 332 3

    Japan has been rejected by a person he loves, leaving him heartbroken. Not knowing what else to do, he takes a trip to visit Greece, the person who he can always talk to. Greece decides to help out Japan but can he convince Japan to truly let him in? Will Japan give up completely and close up his heart? Japan must go...

  • Washed Up On the Shore (Hetalia Fanfic)
    20.7K 961 22

    Matthew is twenty-one and living alone, working his rear off to support himself. However, everyone has to take a vacation at some point in their life, and this is the story of what happened during a very special time at his family's beach house. Laughter, friendship across species, perhaps even the smallest spark of l...

  • What is... "Home"? (Hetalia Fanfic, Part 2)
    249K 9.3K 50

    Book One, part two of the "Home" series Melina Andrews is still around, and she still doesn't know which country she is! She and Matthew are in it together, though, and their relationship is more than "just friends". They love each other, but as time goes on their worlds and sanity will be tested by everything. Snappi...

  • Pure Bliss-GerIta (Hetalia fanfic) *YAOI*
    275K 7.5K 20

    Hetalia and Yaoi all in one story. How much better can it get?! Pairings so far: *GerIta *UsUk *GiriPan *Spamano Want another pairing? Comment a suggestion! <3

  • Breaking through Bulletproof Glass {Sequel to Definitely Not Titanium} ((ON HOLD))
    11.1K 516 14

    Avery broke away in a flash, escaping from a world of seemingly imaginative people. And for a few years...everything was normal. She made it into the police force, and when a little noise disturbance turns into a face-to-face meeting with the life she once knew, Avery cracks beneath the pressure. But a darker force aw...

  • World Academy: Forgotten Memory (UsUk)
    161K 5.4K 29

    Arthur Kirkland just moved to the states from England after a tragic accident left his family hollow. At the new Academy he's attending, he meets several colorful people. I hyper Italian, a Turk with anger issues and a mask, a Frenchman with a taste for chocolate ;), and an American with a secret memory. Ups and downs...

  • Dreaming Of You(A GerIta Fanfic)
    12.8K 459 5

    Italy keeps having these strange dreams in which he can't escape. These dreams make him want to protect everybody and keep them away from the war but Germany is headstrong and set on continuing the war until the end. Can Italy change his mind and spare the life of his friends? Will he be able to spare Germany's life a...

  • Hetalia: Ameralus
    2.1K 57 7

    America broke Belarus's heart back in high school. Can he cover up his past mistakes or will the relationship crumble?

  • [Gakuen Hetalia USUK] Twas Upon A Summer's Vacation~
    10.2K 256 3

    It's just your average highschool life and trip for normal students, but this trip wasn't normal for Arthur as he attends a new school around the exact time they were going on field trip. Due to his past with the Jocks at other schools he never got along with any of them, that was until a certain blue eyed dirty blond...

  • Hetalia: Aki-con, da?
    10.8K 324 10

    When Haley goes so Aki-con she find a Hetalia truth or dare room on the first day. Lucky or what? Entering the room she discovered that the only people there are five extremely perfect, extremely hot Allied Power cosplayers. She gets a weird feeling around them and they get the same strange vibe from her. The first da...

  • [no мore ғearѕ] Spamano Fic.
    3.7K 83 1

    Romano's worst memory of Almost losing Spain still haunts him to this day.

  • Falling in Love with Russia ((Hetalia Fanfic))
    30.9K 899 19

    this is so old uwu I am honestly ashamed of myself when i look back and read this.

  • Hiding her Beauty (A Hetalia fanfiction)
    10K 214 5

    In the midst of the second world war a troubled Nazi soldier named Ludwig is having trouble remaining loyal to a cause he doesn't even agree with. When he meets the innocent Feliciana Vargas, a reported Jew living in Italy, how could he turn her to her death? But how could he hide her? Germany x Fem!Italy

  • Switching Sides
    1.9K 110 7

    Antonio just wanted a normal day with his Lovino, but when the both of them visit a magical well, the two boy's find themselves in each other's bodies!

  • Stranded! Will We Ever Get Home? (Germany Fanfic!)
    5.7K 213 12

    Everi and the Axis Powers are stranded on an island. What are they going to do? Read as Everi goes on adventures, and Germany tries to protect her, most of the time from herself. And see a spark bloom and grow between these two as they wait to be rescued. Will they ever be saved? And what will happen if they are? I do...

  • Silence is Safer
    1.6K 92 4

    What happens when two people who had been together since they were 13 are separated, only to never contact one another in three years? Do they forget about each other? Do they give up? That's what Ludwig was wondering while in class one day. That is, until his boyfriend, Feliciano Vargas, then walks through the door o...

  • Te Amo <3 (A Spamano Fanfic)
    38.1K 1.8K 11

    Part 1: When Romano gets kicked out of South Italy by his people he goes to Spain for help. Can Spain help heal his heart and become the father he always wanted to be? Will Romano get back South Italy and become a country again? Part 2: Romano has regained his place as part of South Italy and starts to become distant...

  • Innocence(A Franada Fanfic)
    27K 864 7

    When Canada forgets to take the train one day he ends up staying at France's apartment. Will he be able to learn how to be confident and have strength like France says he has? Or will he fall into the world of loneliness and never go back?

  • Of Awesome Love and Junk *On hold* (Sorry I'm so lazy)
    3.2K 140 2

    Matthew Williams is practically invisible to everyone he meets but when he moved to England he forms an unlikely friendship with Gilbert Beilschmidt. As the two become closer awkward feeling start to develop but it won't tear their beautiful friendship apart. Or will it? No it won't!

  • Gone (A UsUK Fanfic)
    34.9K 1.4K 15

    When England makes himself disappear and doesn't say where he's going its up to America and some friends to find him before England really disappears forever. WARNING AND INFO: Human and Country names are used and there might be cursing because of England's mouth!!

  • A Voice That Needs To Be Found (Hetalia Fanfiction)
    1.8K 13 2

    Kimberley Chianna is a Filipina girl with a curse upon her: She can't speak. And when she does, she sings the words out instead. What happens when fate gets her to the Hetalia world? And who is the person that can break the spell?

  • Little Costa Luna
    11.9K 526 24

    Costa Luna is a small country that was taken away just a few weeks after she was born. Her disappearance shocked everyone and they worked very hard to find her. Years after the investigation had to be put off, America and England spot a girl who has a very shocking resemblance to their favorite little country.