again // kian lawley , andrea russett
kian and andrea have already been through this before, they thought they weren't compatible. after a year and and half they find their way back to eachother. can they maintain their love through the hard times?
kian and andrea have already been through this before, they thought they weren't compatible. after a year and and half they find their way back to eachother. can they maintain their love through the hard times?
Kian Lawley and Andrea Russett..perfect for each other or are they...? Kian and the rest of 02L get to go on tour meaning choices have to be made. Are they regrettable? Or is for the best?..
Andrea Russett. Your average American teen but with a deep secret. The bruises on her skin are not the result of her clumsiness, and her 'I fell down the stairs', her 'I tripped over my dog' excuses work on everyone and have for years, except on one: Cameron Dallas. The notorious Viner and Youtuber who spends 99% of h...