A Girl's life (Anime Story)
The Life of Yuri Komori a regular girl in a regular world, or is it? Her and her new friends, Yamagoshi and Lola doing the BEST of things together. *(Best Description Eva)*
The Life of Yuri Komori a regular girl in a regular world, or is it? Her and her new friends, Yamagoshi and Lola doing the BEST of things together. *(Best Description Eva)*
What do you feel when you have a brother who is popular, cool, comes home late and doesn't really show his love to his little sister because of embarrassment? How about when he's with his friends, you called him and he acts like you don't exist? Well, that's what I feel. Hi my name is Mellanie. I live alone...
REN. "I like you, Mizuku." It was just a short sentece. What was I afraid of again? My world which seemed so huge before, was it always this small? How can a single incident change that day so much? MIZUKU. It looked so pretty but it was actually rotten already. My world world which looked so colorful before, was it...
Rin Okumura and (y/n) (l/n) are now engaged after the horrific events they'd suffered together. Now, they have more to deal with than just demons and Satan. The Vatican decides to get involved, hunting the son of Satan. Not only that, but something else is at work, something more than the Vatican or Rin can handle. Th...
(Y/n) (L/n), a girl who has suffered from a past of nothing but tragedy and little hope for a brighter future, followed a dear friend to a school held for certain students who keep the country of Japan safe from an unseen foe. Demons. But little does she know that as she attends the cram school of the famous True Cros...