Ask Sofia
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Sofia and her friends are now grown up and facing new changes, and there's a very big change coming. Twenty-year-old Prince Hugo proposes to Sofia on her 19th birthday, and she happily accepts! Sofia and Hugo are very much looking forward to their future, and they want the wedding to be perfect. But there are two peop...
Hi ! This is my First Sofia's Fanfiction and this Ep 1 : Once upon a Princess
"Cedric." I called, looking at the sorcerer from down the hall. He came closer to me ,knelt down and pulled me close to him. "My dear, it's all right. Don't be frightened." He whispered in my ear. I looked at him and nodded. He tucked me back in my bed. "Good night dear." He said. Before he left I kissed his cheek. "I...
Once a long time there was a princess Named Sofia it was her birthday there a happy family Once a night there was a witch that kidnapped of Sofia the King and queen they search all the time for Sofia but they Not found Sofia the end
Sofia wants to play with James, but James is more interested in spending time alone. Since Prince Hugo doesn't know what it's like to be the older brother, James asks him to be Sofia's big brother, so he can have time for what he wants to do. However, Hugo seems to enjoy being a big brother, and Sofia is having a lot...
Elaina had just started hogwarts a day ago. While in the great hall she receives a package from someone she doesn't know, king Roland the II. She thought she was just another Slytherin girl but she is a Slytherin PRINCESS. The king and queen of enchancia take her and Draco Malfoy to their castle where they will be gue...