Mother - Door To Jannah
Through all life's moments, she's there. The woman who you can't replace with anyone .
Through all life's moments, she's there. The woman who you can't replace with anyone .
Rabbi shrahli sadri. wayassirli amri. wahlul uqdatam millisani. yafqahu qawli. [surah Taha] It is said by our prophet (PBUH) that "if a women prays her *five (daily prayers) *fasts her month (Ramadan) *guards her chastity and *obeys her husband, it will be said to her enter paradise by whichever of the gates of paradi...
The IDEAL MUSLIMAH The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim Woman Written by Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi Translated into English NASSRUDIN AL-KHATTAB [READ and BE AN IDEAL MUSLIMAH! ^^] ان شأالله