A dog may be man's best friend, but Patches the cat is the dearest companion Mrs. Flannigan has known. When the elderly woman meets a particularly gruesome end, the bond between owner and pet will be tested, from beyond the grave.
A dog may be man's best friend, but Patches the cat is the dearest companion Mrs. Flannigan has known. When the elderly woman meets a particularly gruesome end, the bond between owner and pet will be tested, from beyond the grave.
Rachel is having one of those moments where the universe puts you on a path and all you can do is follow. When she gets hopelessly lost in a forest, she finds more than she is prepared to deal with. What if the world ended tomorrow?
There he stood alongside the others at their final destination, hundreds of feet underground, clinging to the remnants of a smashed picture frame and a torn photograph. He gripped the broken edges of the frame so tightly that his hands began to bleed. "This is how it's all going to end," he thought. "Trapped."