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  • The Worst
    938K 33.7K 104

    After a night of wild partying at a frat house in NYC, Zayn Malik's world suddenly changes in a way he never imagined. And if you ask him, Charlie Dunn is responsible. And as for a seemingly nobody like Charlie, her world is completely different and entirely separate from Zayn's-or so she thinks. But what happens when...

  • Secrets (Zayn Malik)
    234K 10.7K 78

    19 year old, Ellana Rivers begins her new life in a new university right in London England after the infamous, tragic murder of her mother from her borderline insane father. In hopes of starting a new life, and maybe new relationships, she attempts to let go of the past and move on with her life. But it's all fun and...

    Completed   Mature
  • Donúť ma
    85.6K 3K 51

    Vyrastali sme spoločne a už ako deti sme sa nedokázali vystáť. Nenávideli sme sa. A potom sme dospeli. Nenávidíme sa stále. Ale osud rozdal karty a po kým on dostal royal flush ja som mala v rukách len jedinú dobrú kartu - kráľovnú.

  • Stalker
    316K 24.3K 45

    Viem, že je to šok a nikto to asi nečakal, no po tých rokoch rokúcich som sa rozhodla znovu publikovať tento príbeh. Len tak, pre spomienku ❤️ Ospravedlňujem sa za všetky gramatické alebo hocijaké chyby ale berte do úvahy, že som mala 15 😅 WARRIOR © All right reserved | 2015

  • Cold Water (Dark Niall)
    627K 42.9K 36

    Renee Delilah Parker would describe herself in three words: crazy, ambitious, and fun. She's not your average girl; she gets into trouble at school, doesn't do what her parents ask of her, and likes to sneak out at nights. She can't wait for high school to end so she can pursue her favorite hobby: dancing. Niall Hora...

    Completed   Mature
  • The One That Got Away (Punk Frat Boy Niall)
    2.6M 53.8K 32

    They met two years ago. They used to be in love. But all they had was summer love because she had to go back, where she managed to move on. Now to years later, she leaves for college in New York, ready to start a new life with her cousin and her boyfriend. Then one night changes everything and all the memories come ru...

    Completed   Mature
  • Baby I'm A Sinner
    915K 30.7K 29

    Renee Delilah Parker has never been too popular at school. She gets average grades, has two best friends and all she wants to do is get through her last year of high school alive. That isn't an easy task when she's got a perfect brother, two judgmental parents and a slutty cousin who moved in after her parents passe...

    Completed   Mature
  • Teenage Dirtbag (Punk Niall Fan Fiction)
    1.9M 43.8K 26

    Renee Delilah Parker has always been an average girl. She had average grades, she was funny and a basic tomboy. Her mother sends her to spend the Summer in Mullingar, with her paranoid grandmother, her grumpy grandfather and her slutty cousin. She doesn't want to do anything but stay inside all day on Tumblr. It al...

    Completed   Mature
  • Teenage Dirtbag
    21.8K 1.1K 18

    Renee Delilah Parker bola vždy obyčajným dievčaťom. Mala priemerné známky, bola zábavná a hlavne divoška. Jej mama ju pošle stráviť leto v Mullingare s jej paranoidnou starou mamou, mrzutým starým otcom a štetkovskou sesternicou. Nechce nič, len zostať celý deň doma a byť celý deň na Tumblr. Všetko sa to zmení, keď s...

  • Baby I'm A Sinner (Dark Niall Horan) SK
    64.5K 3.4K 34

    Renee Delilah Parker nikdy nebola v škole veľmi populárna. Mala priemerné známky, dvoch najlepších kamarátov a všetko, čo chcela bolo, aby prežila svoj posledný rok na strednej. To nebola ľahká úloha, keďže mala perfektného brata, dvoch odsudzujúcich rodičov a štetkovskú sestrenicu, ktorá sa k nim prisťahovala po to...

  • Troublemaker
    23.7K 1.4K 37

    Angela je presný opak svojho mena - nerešpektuje pravidlá, nerada sa viaže a zásadne žije zo dňa na deň. V jeden večer takmer doplatí na svoj bláznivý nápad - skočiť do Temže bez zaistenia. Na jej šťastie jej však v samovražednom nápade zabráni náhodný okoloidúci. Existujú však vôbec náhody? Angela neskôr stretne Nial...

  • January. // z.m. au
    2.1M 86.1K 65

    "Zayn," he spoke, smoke leaving his lips once again as he dropped the cigarette to the ground, stepping on it with his dark boots. His hand darted in between us as he awaited a response. "January," I said faintly, grabbing his hand. "Nice," he chuckled, making the first move to release my cold fingers. H...

  • Time Out ||z.malik au✔
    109K 10.6K 65

    Môžeme byť dobrí, môžeme byť zlí,no môžeme byť aj niečo medzi tým? Bol jej pozorovateľom, ktorý sa jej bál prihovoriť, pretože ešte stále nebol dostatočne dobrým človekom, bol niečo medzi tým, no jej na tom nezáležalo, a tak vznikol vzťah medzi ňou a ním. Medzi hanblivým dievčaťom a medzi chlapcom so zlou minulosťou...

  • Broken ||n.horan au✔
    56.9K 7.6K 48

    Moje zlomené časti, padajúce z výšky na zem, zachytil plameň, vytvorený tebou. -boys are not famous -sexuálne narážky, scény, psychycké rozpoloženie a vulgarizmy -cover by: dreamerYnY
