Wait, Where's Reid?
One Day, Dr. Spencer Reid doesn't show up for work. The team thinks he overslept, so they send two over to his apartment. What do they find? Sleeping Reid? Or worse?
One Day, Dr. Spencer Reid doesn't show up for work. The team thinks he overslept, so they send two over to his apartment. What do they find? Sleeping Reid? Or worse?
Dr Spencer Reid has been keeping and secret from his team mates for years, always afraid of what they may think of him, what they might do. Afraid of loosing his friends, his family, he locks it away. Until one night when mistakes where made. Secrets and Lies will be told and troublesome fate awakes the young doctor.
After Maeve's death, Reid can't handle the pain of her going. So he turns to the one thing he used to forget his emotions. Dilaudid, the drug once given to him from Tobias Hankel when he was kidnapped, he fought his addiction, but the craving was coming back.
Prentiss has just "died". Morgan and Garcia's flirtations have been put on hold, Hotch, always the silent sufferer confides in his 5 year old son, JJ keeps quiet, and, worst of all, Reid relapses and starts taking dilaudid again, secretly. Then it is revealed that she is, in fact, alive. What will become of them?
Reid has struggled with his dilaudid addiction for over a year and it just keeps getting worse he is having more and more outburst to his co-workers and can't seem to pull away from the drug. And it doesn't help that he is struggling to hide his feelings for Morgan either. Will the team save him? Will Reid ruin it for...
Spencer Reid struggles after being kidnapped by the one and only, Tobias Hankel. The only way he can cope with his PTSD is with Dilaudid. Find out how his team learns about his pain and suffering. Will they be able to help with his addiction? sxreid
Emily is back, but the lack of trust between Reid and the team finally gets to him, so he attempts drugs again. That is until he gets a job offer to be an undercover agent in Las Vegas. Only problem, he has to pose as a drug dealer! Reid-centric.