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  • No Strings Attached~ One Direction
    70.8K 1K 23

    Olivia Chapman interns for one of the most prestigious Public relation company's in the country. She finally catches her big break when her company offers her as the fake girlfriend to tame a rising singers wild image. when that singer turns out ot be Harry Styles of One Direction Olivia must survive 6 months of publi...

  • TORN- One Direction
    1.5K 23 24

    UNDER EDITING!!!! Like the first song One Direction sang together Olivia is Torn. She has always said Zayn is her Favourite until Harry comes along. What will she do? Join her and her friend Laura to find out

  • Forever In My Dreams ~ A One Direction FanFic
    5.3K 62 20

    'You'll be forever in my dreams, will I be forever in yours?' We asked cautiously... Abi and Olivia, two average school girls who dream of being a famous band, they strive through posting youtube videos and following their idols.. One Direction. When the two finally meet them, who knows what will happen, a group of cr...

  • Anything's Possible with One Direction
    2.4K 40 13

    All Ashley wants is to be loved by someone. After her and her best friend Olivia go to a One Direction concert and she gets pulled up on stage to sing with them, she finally gets the chance of a lifetime to have her voice be heard. She's actually so good, that she now gets to go on tour with the boys. After all, anyth...

  • Money Can't Buy Happiness-Or Can It? (One Direction)
    12.8K 184 17

    Meet Olivia White: Gorgeous, rich, talented. Daughter of the richest man in the world. Meet One Direction: Hot, funny, famous. Millions of screaming, fainting fans. Did I mention hot? When you put them together, what can you expect? Nothing really. Except for scheming, heartbreak, love, truth or dare, destroying super...

  • We'll Run When the Rain Stop's (One Direction Fan Story)
    448K 995 60

    Olivia and Her friends are just a bunch of 'Normal' Teenage girls, they Laugh alot and constally tease each other. but what happens when 5 boys barrel into their lives out of the blue? and not just any regular 5 boys, but the one and Olny, One Direction Boys. Can Livy(Group Leader) keep the groups sane enough to be...

  • Little White Lies (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
    59.1K 658 43

    "Hey Guys! Be quiet!" Chloe's voice echoes throughout the room. The entire party falls dead silent. "Do you guys," She takes a pause, smiling at her boyfriend before continuing, "Do you guys think it's fair, that this- slut right here, little miss Aubrey Castello, is flirting with MY boyfriend, at MY party?" She fini...