A short horror story about an asylum that was turned into a hotel and the strange happenings that followed...
A short horror story about an asylum that was turned into a hotel and the strange happenings that followed...
Haruno Sakura was just an ordinary girl living alone in the city of Kyoto, despite her boring life, she was determined to study and pursue her dreams to be in the medical field. Everything was going into place. Yet.. Life for Sakura had changed from ordinary to out-of-this-world when one accident had occured as she f...
Shikamaru is a bit of a sex addict. but when the one woman he truly loves appears and makes him act differently, will he be able to think with his heart for real this time?
|Sequel to Involuntary Parents| "Life as we know it...will never be the same."
When a diseases wipes out majority of Konohagakure's population the government is forced to pair high school students so they can reproduce and replenish the population. But if these teens can hardly get along to save their village, what are the odds of them falling in love? ©jongindreams-™2015
Shiori and Kakashi have known eachother since they were both little, and eventually they end up falling in love with eachother.... unfortuantely they are separated when Shiori is believed to be dead, but by a twist of fate they end up finding one another again. Kakashi x OC (AU) [CURRENTLY ON HIATUS] [UNDER RECONSTRUC...