Adopted By Ariana Grande
What hapens when Sophie gets adopted by her idol, the one and only, Ariana Grande?
What hapens when Sophie gets adopted by her idol, the one and only, Ariana Grande?
There is this girl name Hazel and she's in love with this girl name Ariana but she taken what will she do to get her?
Bullying is a very serious issue that effects the lives of many. I hope that by many of us sharing our personal stories, it will not only help victims realize that they are not alone, but also help bullies realize how strongly their actions and words can effect others. If you've experienced bullying and would like to...
When Lindsey Hollow gets adopted by the one and only Ariana Grande, she learns more about the life of a pop star, and about the life of a Grande
Samantha is normal teenager; she attends high school, hangs out with friends and drinks way to much Starbucks for her own good. But Samantha has a secret, her older sister just happens to be Ariana Grande the super-star actress and singer. Nobody knows that she is part of the Grande family until the decision is made...
Skyler Grande, 14 years old living her not so normal life in Boca with her unhappily married parents. And yes, of course she is the sister of the Ariana Grande. As both her siblings have moved out, Skyler has gotten herself into trouble just like every other rebellious teenager who craves their parents recognition. S...
PLEASE FIRST READ "HE TOLD ME NOT TO TELL" Kenzie is now twelve and in middle school. Her childhood consisted of trying to forget her past, with Demi right by her side, telling her that she'll be okay. What happens when Kenzie starts to develop some bad habits? Will she be able to keep them as secrets from Demi? Will...
After dinner with the touring crew, Demi finds a little girl outside of the restaurant. She couldn't just leave her there, so Demi decided to let her stay with her, but it was only going to be one night. She wouldn't talk to Demi, but she wrote down what she wanted to say. Her name? Alexa. The next morning, Demi took...
Luna, the youngest sibling of the Grande family, is tasked with the challenge of being civil with her sister, Ariana Grande. Angry at the world, she misplaces her emotions and believes it was Ariana who abandoned her and goes through the troubling journey of navigating middle school highs and lows while realizing the...
"I'm scared." "Baby, this is just the beginning." In which, a girl is kidnapped during a movie, without a fingerprint left behind. credit to : @arianajournals for description and some of prologue! (thank you again!)
A girl named Kaylin goes to her new friends house after school , Luke Hemmings. They hang out for awhile until a huge storm comes leaving them alone in a house together...
Luke Hemmings fanfiction Kat is 17 years old. She meets Luke, (18 years old) at school, and finds out that he is struggling with grades. But there's one problem: they both hate each other. But maybe that's not so true.........
Remember To Forget Sequel "Sometimes you lose someone, and it changes your life forever. But then, you find someone new and end up taking chances." Copyright to _smilelikeniall. Everything written by me unless stated otherwise. Please do not use my writing and/or ideas without permission. I do not allow translations...
After Demi's last tour, she wanted to try teaching. She went to college, got her degree, and she is now teaching her first year of second grade. Most of the kids are great, but one is extra special. Seven year old Avery is just trying to survive the days. After having to do everything just right around her Mom, she go...
Emma has trouble trusting someone to take care of her. Scared everyone will always be the same, she tries to avoid people. Can Demi help her overcome her fears?