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  • 简单爱 || 王俊凯
    36.6K 1.5K 52

    ❝ 爱很简单,想爱,却很难 ❞ - 王俊凯 / ©lemonwoozi highest ranking: #2 in Fanfiction

  • The Dragon Queen
    85.5K 2.2K 22

    As Lucy, Nastu, Gray, and Erza take on a very unusual job, Lucy come into contact with a very strange man and discovers something extraordinary about herself. What she finds out about herself with change her life and possibly the rest of the world as well.

  • From Me To You <3 (NaLu FanFiction)
    135K 3.4K 20

    What if Lucy Heartfilia discovers something that she didn't remembered before? What if she was taught by a dragon that she had forgotten before? And what if that dragon is a Celestial Spirit Dragon??? Lucy Heartfilia only knows that she is a Celestial Spirit Wizard and it all became twisted when she discovered about t...

  • Fairy Tail Quotes
    12.6K 489 45

    Quotes from Fairy Tail characters. Btw! I'm sorry if I post one more than once! I'm too lazy to look back at previous ones

  • Lucy's sweet Revenge
    248K 5.1K 47

    Ever since Lisanna returned, the guild begun to ignore our favorite Celestial Mage, Lucy Heartifilia. And now they betrayed her, Lisanna begun to be possessed by Zeref's dark magic and more secrets begun to unfold and more boys are falling for Lucy. How will the guild react to the new boys and people entering Fairy Ta...

  • The New Queen of Dragons
    602K 14.3K 41

    Lisanna has returned from Edolas . Everyone in the guild is celebrating except for one. Lucy has been invisible to the whole guild except to Lisanna, Wendy , Mirajane , Laxus , Raijinshuu , the exceeds and Master. Lucy then decided to leave the guild and train. Lisanna tried to stop her but it was too late. What will...

  • 约定
    2.6K 534 23


  • 第十代继承者
    3.7K 120 10

    她接受不了命运的安排和捉弄,他为了帮她免掉命运的安排和捉弄差一点丢掉了自己的性命,他发现了他爱她,可她却没有发现, 当她发现自己真的爱上了他,他却选择离开,等他回来命运的安排是否会带来好的结果呢~让我们拭目以待! 爱情,魔法,校园小说 我第一本小说吧, 请多多指教

  • 他 是我男朋友
    2.1K 131 8

    女主——神宫 美和(Jingu Miwa )因為一些事故忘記了所有事情,再也記不起來了。她父母擔心她因為會逼自己回想起以前的事情,而搞得自己身體不適,所以讓她出國讀書去了。

  • 千年公主复仇记:沁心月律
    5.9K 209 11

    一千年前,她是唐国的沁公主,冰雪聪明,机灵可爱,集万千宠爱于一身。可是这一切全都在唐国灭绝后荡然无存了。姜国太子刘律率领一百万姜国士兵歼灭唐国。唐国战败后,国师遵从唐国皇帝唐毅的吩咐,将唯一存活的沁公主收进紫荆壶中,愿一切平静后有好心人能打开紫荆壶,解救唐沁,完成复国大业。 一千年后,一位渔夫之子捕鱼时打捞到了紫荆壶并将唐沁放了出来。唐沁重生后发血誓,她要报仇,她要以让刘律以亡她国付出他应有的代价!

  • 我们重新开始,好吗?
    4.6K 281 10


  • 两大校草恋上小丫头
    43K 1.8K 79

    2015年12月12日-2016年3月28日。 "两大校草恋上小丫头"正式结局。

  • 人气情侣
    4.2K 239 12


  • 星空闪烁
    1.7K 130 12


  • 古剑奇谭
    420 22 14


  • 花千骨 (The Journey Of Flower)
    12.8K 528 140

    花千骨(仙侠奇缘之花千骨) 原作者:Fresh果果