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  • Her and the Pizza Guy
    93 8 3

    Now we know we shouldn't really be intruding on another person's love life... but it's too hard to resist. LeAnn and I are in our church's high school youth group and we gather every Sunday to discuss Jesus of course, but really, we're there to abuse the lessons that Melanie gives us. Who is Melanie you ask? She's th...

  • Dark Hearted || Narry AU ✔
    76.2K 4.6K 29

    [Complete] The year is 1750, and pirates rule the seas. Niall Horan, notorious pirate of the “Plundering Darkness” a ship and crew that causes Davy Jones to shake in his boots and the Flying Dutchman to look like a children’s playground. Throw in a servant traded for a prisoner’s life, and a treasure too big for just...
