Bol sudbine
" Šta je gore ? Živjeti kada želiš umrijeti ili umirati kada želiš živjeti ? "
"You saw me in a way no one had before." Zayn whispered after a minute or two of silence. I looked up to read his overwhelmed gaze, and for the first time, I couldn't read his emotions.
{book 2} ✓ - ❝ I'm tired of pity, of everyone looking at me like "poor Zayn, infatuated with his best mates's girl". I know it's not okay and if it were so easy to forget about her I would've done it already. It's not. But I just need time, not people to pity me and force me to move on. Why can't they understand that...
It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he had no idea. He was becoming successful when she was giving birth. She was discovered when he was becoming bigger. He became worldwide when she was an actress. She had red hair when he had the blonde streak. He...
Just when she thought nobody cared, the right person fell into her life. He cared, and he was on a mission to fix her. Little did they know that along the way, she was going to fix him too.
"Anđele ja moram otići jer ne mogu podnijeti da si u mojoj blizini a ne mogu te dotaknuti,ne mogu podnijeti činjenicu da mi više nikad nećes pokloniti svoj divni osmijeh,anđele ako ne odem.....ubit ću se zbog neuzvraćene ljubavi,znam da sam sve zajebao ali....prokleto te volim anđele"-uštakne jedan korak unazad i uput...
Darkness. The absense of light. Wicked or evil. Light the illumination of darkness. Superior, good and sinless. Yet both opposites need of one another. In order for light to shine so brightly, darkness must be present. Light craves darkness and defines it. Darkness needs light to guide it and will always remain a shad...
Ariana has always fangirled over 1D before. Celebrities can also fangirl, right? She have always thought Niall Horan was cute. But when she meets 1D on set of iCarly, is she just going to admire Zayn the whole day? With the help of a friend, they are introduced to each other. They started hanging out and eventually be...
What is the real story on Zariana. Is it real love, a story for the cameras, or fans fantasing over something that is not real.
Odlučila sam pisati još jednu knjigu. Ova knjiga bi sadržavala vijesti iz glazbe, najviše o One Directionu, ali i ostale zvijezde. A i nekim problemima i tako. Nadam se da će te biti uz mene. cover by @undertheclifford Writing by ivastyles94
" Suprotnosti se privlače. To je jedino što nas objašnjava. Ja nam stalno tražim objašnjenja jer ne razumem, kako u isto vreme možeš biti moja snaga i moja slabost. Ka tebi trčim i od tebe bežim. Izluđuješ me, ali ti se ipak vratim. Prema tebi postanem najgori,onakav kakav djavo ne moze da bude a ti si ipak tu,st...
Baš što je završila fakultet, Eleanor želi da se posveti svom poslu i karijeri. Okušava sreću i zapošljava se u vodećoj firmi u Londonu. Nije ni slutila kako će joj taj posao promeniti do sada miran i uobičajen život. Spoznaje neka u isto vreme i divna i zastrašujuća osećanja koja do sada nije iskusila u životu. Čega...
Sve je gorjelo u nama,oluje su bjesnile po uzburkanom moru strasti,a nase maste su plesale.Imao sam je kada god sam htio!Bili smo sami...samo...ona i ja...
When night falls, I'm staring at you, And watch everything you do. You can start to run But you can never hide. Turn around a little girl, I'm right next to you. Victoria Justice-Isabella Black Harry Styles-Harry Ariana Grande-Megan Ryde Cara Delevingne-Jesica Ryde Uskoro!
Bad gril i Bad boy. Dva razlicita sveta. Dve povredjene osobe u proslosti. Sta ce se desiti kada budu provodili puno vremena zajedno?
Hello people! Well my name is Destiny. I'm fourteen years old and Im 5'4 feet tall. Yea i know I'm short. I have long curvy dip dyed hair that goes to blue then purple and pink it looks kinda nice though. And One direction adopted me! That's when I knew there totally going to regret adopting me.
"Kad bi se barem na trenutak mogao osjećati kao i ja kada si me povrijedio. Vjeruj mi, više me nikad ne bi mogao pogledati u oči." rekla mi je glasom ispunjenim mržnjom, glasom koji je bio tako leden da mi je zamrznuo srce. Selena Gomez kao Monica Green. Harry Styles kao Harry Styles. ,,Osveta je osveta. I na kraju...
1st season - ❝ The answer is in her heart... Love or Revenge? ❝ 2nd season - ❝ Love? That's gone. ❝ Šta se dešava kada kasno shvatiš da nekog voliš? Saznajte u priči - "Revenge". ► COPYRIGHTED: © AngelaWriter ► COVER MADE BY: @xlovingstylesx ► IDEA: © AngelaWriter ► All Rights Reserved © 2015/16 ► No Translations ► Ma...
Zayn Malik ima savrseno culo mirisa, sto ga cini sjajnim lovcem. Da bi bio jos bolji nedostaje mu jedan sastojak-miris jedne devojke.