A Broken Heart Gone Wrong *Book 5 to Second Chances*
Jamie lost the love he thought he would have forever, and goes through hell trying to get revenge on the person that stole it.
Jamie lost the love he thought he would have forever, and goes through hell trying to get revenge on the person that stole it.
(Sequel to The Brightest Star In All The Glory) Heather Mason is trying to get over the bad break up with Andy Biersack, her former fiance'. He is with Scout again, an ex of his. She runs into more boy trouble while on another tour. Will she and Andy fix things in the future? "He says he loves me. But I know he doesn'...
Heather Mason is the lead vocalist of world famous cover band Rebels Of The Century. She and the front man of Black Veil Brides, had been long time best friends. Things didn't end well when Andy started Black Veil Brides, leaving her behind heartbroken and betrayed. Will Heather find it within herself to ever forgive...
Rose Lane idolises Black Veil Brides, she loves their lyrics and their message. One night at a concert changes her life forever as she finds herself battling not only herself but everything around her too. What happens when she starts falling for Andy Biersack, the lead singer of her favourite band? But what, or rathe...
*Trilogy to Second Chances* After all that happened with the car crash, everything with Jamie and AJ, and loosing her eye Star feels forever heartbroken. She has had a while to think things through, and with Black Veil Brides' help, mostly Andy, she is...
With Andy gone, Star is left as a single parent to take care of their child, Crimson, who has a extreme case of cancer. With the memory of her father, her mother, and the help from her family, and friends, Crimson finds the meaning of life.
Sequel to Second Chances *An Andy Biersack Love Story* After the rough recovery of the things that happened with Jamie, Star meets a nice guy named AJ, or so she thinks.... Star is now living with Andy Biersack, and he is not to sure about AJ. Which he's got a good reason not to be. An...
Star Flanders is not the average teenage girl. She goes through a lot at home, and is bullied everyday at school. One day she met a boy named Jamie Winters, and the were instant friends, then more then friends. While Star and Jamie are dating, he is able to get a hold of 2 Black Veil Brides backstage passes. This is...
Quando o nosso maior medo acaba por se tornar uma das nossas escapatórias as coisas ficam difíceis. Ela nunca pensou que isto fosse acontecer . Ele nunca pensou que a fosse encontrar .
Black Veil Brides Eles são uma banda de rock e metal como o mundo nunca viu. Christian parte pedras com a força da sua percução. Jinx ousa desafiar o universo a "tentar" acabar com ele. Jake move montanhas com as suas cordas de prata. Ashley engravida qualquer mulher só com o olhar. Andy é o grande portador da voz de...
E depois há aquela altura em que te pedem para resumires a tua vida numa coisa chamada descrição, mas certas histórias não se resumem...
Tudo o que sempre acreditaste, a forma como foste educada, tudo isso é transmitido para ti, transformando-te na pessoa que és actualmente... Mas e se, de repente, o mundo que sempre viste pudesse ser alterado? Se descobrisses novos mundos, novas formas de ver a vida... Se descobrisses o amor? Largavas tudo o que sabia...