A Goddess Unraveled
A lovestruck demigoddess, unaware of her royal status, makes a shocking discovery during a weekend home, and impulsively follows Hades to the underworld to escape Zeus's wrath. ******* Lexi Maxwel...
A lovestruck demigoddess, unaware of her royal status, makes a shocking discovery during a weekend home, and impulsively follows Hades to the underworld to escape Zeus's wrath. ******* Lexi Maxwel...
Milania Fox is a young woman who's been working as a maid since she was sixteen. She has had terrible past experience's with abusive owners. She believes her life has taken a turn for the best when instead of being sold to another abusive man, a family decide to hire her. That is until Xander Hawke, Milania's childho...
After falling in love with Hades and moving to the underworld, an ambitious, untried demigoddess makes a bid for the position of queen. ******* In the sequel to LEXI'S UNDOING, Lexi ditches her old life to live with...