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Please share and vote for this book If you have any questions about Islam don't hesitate to ask and leave it in the comments
Cerita hijrah Cerita rebel Cerita cinta Cerita kejahilan Cerita seorang 'aku'. Yang sentiasa mengharap, tapi Tuhan beri sebaliknya. Bukan kerana Dia melupakan tapi inilah kehidupan.
Pesanan picisan ini, bukan bermakna aku sempurna. Jauh sekali diri ini bergelar solehah. Aku cuma menjalankan amanah sebagai seorang khalifah di bumi Ilahi. Aku, seorang gadis yang cintakan Ummah. Baca dan hadam ke dalam hati. Highest ranking: #1 in spiritual #1 in coretan #1 in dakwah #1 in inspirasi #1 in motivasi
Alhamdulillah, masih di beri peluang untuk menulis. Tapi bukan entry. Hahaha, yang ni semua insyaAllah pasal cerita-cerita. Mungkin ada yang saya ambil dari buku. Mungkin ada yang saya karang (tengok mood nak mengarang). Saya cuba untuk TAK buat cerita pasal CINTA. Well, kalau korang harap dalam ni ada terselit kisah...
Penulisan ini hanyalah antara usaha kecil untuk mengembalikan rasa cinta generasi Islam kepada para sahabat Nabi SAW. Disebabkan kaum Muslimin lebih banyak mengetahui mengenai kisah para sahabat lelaki berbanding sahabat wanita. Nama-nama Khulafa' ar-Rasyidin (Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman dan Ali) lebih mesra pada pendengar...
Here,where the hills slope before the sunset and the chasm of time near gardens whose shades have been cast aside, we do what prisoners do we do what the jobless do, we saw HOPE. A bunch of poems about our beloved Palestine.
Pernah tak kita nak berubah tapi mcm banyk sgt halangan.?? "Biar lah gemok dgn pahala" "Panas dunia sementara je" Ikuti kisah ini tentang persahabatan, cinta, persekolahan. hmm ^^
Amelia Hayden is busy senior at college with no time for boys, parties or fun. This all changes one Halloween night after she accidentally finds herself at the center of a cruel prank that sees her being offered up to the local legend, the Prince of Darkness, as his virginal bride. Believing the urban myth to be untru...
Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamualikum everyone I'm going to write some Islamic short stories these stories always inspired me to move on and more important is that, these stories helps me to get closer to Allah(SWT), whenever I'm feeling low or something like that. And mos...
Zach and Yasmine are two teenagers just trying to get through life by keeping their head held high and never letting their hopes drop. Although this can be hard when you're living in an illegally occupied country such as Palestine, they're there for each other. ALL the time. Yasmine is sarcastic, witty and a little...
Meet Peter Feterson. A Jewish who is drowned in the midst of lies, betrayal and lust. A son to a powerful family, he refuses to accept himself in this worldly life and autonomously having a decent life on his own. Goodly past of Islam put out a huge curiosity to him. He really needs someone to point out about the beau...
Takde apa yang menarik. Bacalah kalau sudi Start - 11/12/2015 End - Sorry for slow update. Saya cuba apa yang mampu.
"Did I get little Nafasa scared?" He teased, smirking at me. Did he just call me Nafasa? "It's Nafisa," I corrected him, crossing my arms. Garrett shrugged. "Same thing, same weird foreign names." My head snapped towards his direction, angrily, as my blood boiled. "Don't you dare make fun of my name!" I couldn't belie...