Fairy Tale High (RP)
May I welcome the new generation of fairy tales princesses and princes to the mad hatters children May you have all the best time and don't forget to have fun ~ head mistress Cinderella
May I welcome the new generation of fairy tales princesses and princes to the mad hatters children May you have all the best time and don't forget to have fun ~ head mistress Cinderella
"Cinderella" never did housework. The wolf didn't eat Red Riding Hood's grandmother. You think you know your fairy tales. You don't. Beware, dear reader, you might never think of your favorite characters in the same way again.
In every fairytale, there is good and there is evil. We know all about our heros, but what about our villains? Evil has to come from somewhere, right? All good villains have a backstory, an explanation for their behaviour, a reason to kill. This is Wendy's. With the world already reeling from Cindy, unleashing Wendy...
You know that story everyone knows, about that girl, who goes to that ball, dances with that prince, leaves at midnight, and then loses a shoe? What's her name? Oh yes. Cinderella. There are other fairytales like hers, a girl meets a prince, he helps solve all of her problems, and cue happy ending. But there's someth...