Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC Trilogy
This is My Abyss of Randomness.
Lythion eclipse flame has been abused her whole life. She was born with things people wouldn't understand. She has been at an orphanage sense she was 3. The kids at the orphanage make fun of her for her weird hair and for being a tomboy. At the age of 15 her idols come in to adopt. They adopt her and find out somethin...
When Sky, Deadlox, TrueMu, SSundee, Jerome, BajanCanadian and HuskyMudkipz come together to play a parkour map with a mysterious creator, they're sent to a bizzare world, and have to go on a quest to get home. The world they're sent to? Equestria. (Cover art by me :3)
Isis and Jesus have been through hell and back with losing their parents but getting them back? Hayden knows his true family yet still sees the two as his parents. Children are brought into this. What could get worse? Oh yea. The fact that the government is looking for them to take their powers!?!? Read about what hap...
Twilight and her friends are preparing to perform in this year's annual Heart's Warming Eve play, when an unusual series of events sends them to a world they had heard of, but never been to before-Minecraftia. With the help of some old friends (and some new friends), Twilight and her friends must go on a quest to get...
After everything that happened to Lyth she decided it would be best if she and her friend left to protect their families. But what happens when family comes into town for the week to go to a convention and attend a wedding but find the girls? What will happen when there pasts comes to haunt them, not in the way you th...
The girls plus the kids are now fighting their past. Back to the place they start. Will the creepy uncle get his chance to hurt and get what he wants from Lyth. Will there families be there to save them like the first time. Or will everything fall in hands of the kids? Will anyone find out who wants Lythion dead? Read...
Fourteen years after Lyth and Sky's dipidedoda life, they had kids and they seemed to be living a life of trouble and fun. Just as their parents had done before them with the fighting and protected their family. But what new adventures will be in store for these two? Read to find out.
(OMIGOD, IM SO HAPPY! MANGO, THANK YOU. YOU WILL NOT STAY SANE :D) ------------- So, yeah... Herobrine obviously was bored and was like "HEY GAINT SQUID, WE SHOULD LIKE SOOOOO TURN PEOPLE INTO PONIESZS" and Giant Squid was like "OMFG YEAH HOWABOUT THESE FAMOUS GUYS" and Team Crafted be all like "OMFG WE PONIES GAAAAH"...