How did it get this far?
After lingering stares and lack of personal space Dean Winchester was determined to figure out exactly what his lab partner Castiel Novak's deal was.
The Fangirl Guide
@kieraisacat and I have written "The Fangirl Guide" to help you through all your fangirl problems! FANBOYS WELCOME (slowly editing to make it more bearable, oh lord help me) [1 in life of a fangirl, 5 in Non-Fiction, 6 in fangirl) Contests and Non-Fic reading lists by Wattpad [© 2013-2014, Kiera McJ and Jen K. ALL RIG...
Completed -
Pitch Black's Daughter (Rise of the Guardians FF)
Have you ever wondered how it was on the other side? The "evil" side? Athena, the daughter of Pitch Black knows. Shocker that he even has one. She lives with him underground in his hideout with his wife, Lynette and son, Isaac. They've all done a pretty good job of avoiding the Guardians. But, of course, Athena eventu...