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  • Yellow | l.s
    2.2K 74 3

    Harry is a single autistic father, ready to prove his love for his little daughter and willing to break the ableist stereotypes placed on him. This is a heartwarming story, following Harry's growth while making friends and finding love through a common love for comics and milkshakes. The story you all know and love, r...

  • Yellow
    122 11 1

    "El vede lumea doar intr-o culoare,nu alb sau negru,roșu sau albastru,mov sau roz,ci doar galben.In galben,vede doar binele in orice si nu are nicio mică idee despre partea rea sau urâta a vietii.In galbenul pe care il vede,lumea încă are o cantitate enorma de zâmbete aurii si stelele stralucesc la timpuri date.Galben...