The life of an Oven Baked Cheeto
Im an oven baked cheeto.....
Well after after me broter left ta wedding, I dodnt give two shats. Soo if he wrute a story, BEOTCH, whi can't I. So tis is my wonderful wedding duy and how it, wall I'm basically a ghust but tat okay.....l
This story is not as it seems because it's not a friendly kids story. It's a mature reading that has sexual content, swearing, typos that are on purpose, and hilarious comedy for adults. If you don't laugh or giggle while reading this story, you are to mature for this story.
Do you ever wonder what a pretzels life would be like? Well this is your book than, This isn't just any pretzel though, this is a pretzel who just craves acceptance, He only wants to be able to feel loved, so this is his journey through life, making friends such as Joe and Crisps, and enemies like ketchup. He simply w...