Chanakya Neeti
chanakya neeti is a collection of chanakya's thought in do and don't format which one can apply in the conduct of one's daily life
chanakya neeti is a collection of chanakya's thought in do and don't format which one can apply in the conduct of one's daily life
❝ poetry is a beautiful way of expressing feelings - happy, sad, angry, caring. it's also a way that we share with other people, to help them with those feelings - mattie stepanek ❞ credit for cover: @forthemadones All Rights Reserved © Lola A - 2020
From up above to down below, from far left to the farthest of right, we humans cannot fathom the grandeur nature of this universe(considering there's only one of them) Thus, it is our inquisitive nature/genes to delve into the deepest curiosities of the questions which have been hovering around the long lost wildernes...