Harry Potter Facts
Aici gasesti multe lucruri despre Harry Potter,asta daca esti un Potterhead adevarat.
Aici gasesti multe lucruri despre Harry Potter,asta daca esti un Potterhead adevarat.
Daca(,) cauti locul cu cele mai distractive chestii despre Harry Potter, esti in locul potrivit. Bine, chestia asta a sunat ca pe cartile cu povesti de adormit copiii. Nu, aici gasesti super-glume cu Harry Potter si prietenii lui! Iar am dat-o-n bara, nu? Hai sa mai incerc o data... Ummm... Nu mai am idei... IN FINE...
❝Dedicat tuturor fetelor care in fiecare moment al zilei si in orice noapte,se gandesc la el,neavand toate sansa sa-l intalneasca.❞ ©lovexharrystyles -28/08/2014 #10 -- proza scurta.
Lucruri noi,pe care le aflati,acum,despre vedete si vlogeri. Mersi CristianaCryss pentru minunata coperta!
Dear You, I know I always rant, but I like to give advice too. If you ever need help, I'm the one you come to. Lots of love, -genie_us xx x (Note: my updates are rather irregular, so don't fully rely on my advice if you ask for an answer. Apologies for that! X)
Insider tips and techniques from a traditionally published author on hooking your reader and not letting them go. These tips are aimed to inspire you so that you’re coming up with ideas that help to focus your story, improve your writing, and deepen your understanding of what makes a story work.