All of My Vices and Virtues ~ Ryden
During the recording for Panic! At The Disco's new album, Vices And Virtues, old memories of past lovers, mistakes, and fights will be drawn up and Brendon might not be able to handle the pressure of it.
During the recording for Panic! At The Disco's new album, Vices And Virtues, old memories of past lovers, mistakes, and fights will be drawn up and Brendon might not be able to handle the pressure of it.
ALL CREDITS GO TO "fullcollapse" on livejournal for this absolutely beautiful story. Mostly AU, high school age setting. With the help of his friends, Ryan has just learned how to like life. Brendon hasn't yet found such luck. This is a story about strong relationships, trust, not wanting to be alone, and holding hand...
Author: underthedesk on LiveJournal.. ALL CREDITS GO TO THIS AUTHOR Rating: NC-17 Overall
When two boys who are complete opposites of one-another are thrown into each others paths, questions arise, friendships are broken and formed, and a billion other complications are thrown into their faces, but they simply have to deal. Deal with the horrors of teenage angst.