The Garden
A wondrous and mysterious world of demons, elves, humans, and more, all at war with each other. This story follows a young man, Beelzebub, and his journey throughout this world. There is war, violence, love, and... ninjas?
A wondrous and mysterious world of demons, elves, humans, and more, all at war with each other. This story follows a young man, Beelzebub, and his journey throughout this world. There is war, violence, love, and... ninjas?
» self explanatory « - i am not promoting self harm in any way, shape or form - only a few of these quotes are my own
Some of my random drawings. The cover drawing is not mine! Thank you everyone who checked this out! Arigatou >< Byeeeeeee,Ketty
An original Maniacal Hero fanfic Bea is going to work at a cabin in the woods and Mae wants to go along for the ride. Takes place in the middle of the game Night in the Woods. I don't own the game.