Diary of an Average Nebraskan Christian Teen Girl
This sequel to "Diary of an Average Christian Teen Girl" continues the story of Chloe through her letters to God.
This sequel to "Diary of an Average Christian Teen Girl" continues the story of Chloe through her letters to God.
You fell in love with Grace and Matthew's story in "Life As A Christian Teen Girl: Grace's Story."* Only by the grace of God Himself, they're back! Grace is now a junior in high school and still has her job at Pineville Café and her passion for The Lord. Continue along as Grace and Matthew's love story unfolds and mos...
Grace Stonebrook is a 16 year old girl who is juggling her sophomore year in high school while being apart of the girls soccer team, having a part-time job at a local cafe, some unexpected romance, and most importantly, her Christian faith. Genres: Christianity and Romance. ...
Sometimes, life can be hard-especially for teenage girls. We have to balance an endless amount of new responsibilities all while trying to figure out who we are and who we want to be. Even though my life is constantly subject to change, there is one thing that remains constant: God. Because He is my Lord and Savior, I...