Drug Lord (G-eazy)
'that evil grin and the same brown eyes'
Nariah Williams always work for what she wanted. She never had anything handed to her on a silver platter. Her past relationships weren't the absolute best, they all ending up cheating on her with her friend or ended violent. So she gave up trying to find love. Valerio De Rege is one of the most powerful men in the c...
The story is about Malia and Liam. Malia is African (Sudanese) and Liam is White.
- Comment expliquez vous le fait que vous et vos amis soyez les seules personnes noires ou métisses dans cet établissement ? - Le talent... - Est ce que c'est dur quotidiennement ? - Bien sûr mais lorsque je vois le fruit de nos efforts, je ne peux qu'être fière ! L'histoire est corrigée. Il y a des passages qui ont...