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  • Story Book
    88 1 13

    All of my short stories will be here now. Some will be on my own Some with be with my friends. enjoy. (I will add my other ones in here too)

  • My Past.. (Harmony's Origins) (OFFICIAL REMAKE)
    32 4 5

    FINALLY. OFFICIAL REMAKE. CAN I GET AN AMEN?!?! YYYAAAYYY.... *Passes out* *Revive* OK one thing I would like to put out first is that @Kobaltic is helping me out with the story on docs. So thanks Ko for helping me with this.

  • Ask the 2nd Generation of Evil Youtubers
    104 5 8

    This needed to be done. characters will include: Anna - Daughter of Enderlox/Deadlox(one of them at least) Arron - Son of KillerCanadian/BajanCanadian Darcy - Daughter of WitherMU/Minecraft Universe Drake - Only son of Enderlox Hunter - Son of HuskyMudkipz(idk what is EYT name is) Issac -Son of Vampire SSundee(Katie p...

  • My Past.. deCIPHER (Bella's Story)
    21 5 2

    Ye (also, song reference in title :3) Bill Cipher, the other demons that are allies with Bill, and Gravity Falls are created by Alex Hirch. Show aired on Disney Channel(Season 1) and DisneyXD(Season 2) I'm a mere fan of the show and I created an OC who is the daughter of the angry 2D dorito himself Bella, and other OC...

  • My Past... TO THE ARK (Sabrina/Harmony's Story) (REMAKE)
    1.4K 131 49

    Also needed to be done.. I missed a CRAP TON of stuff in her origin story and now I can fix it! There will be CreepyPasta characters (and stuff) as well as some horror in this.. Have to be 13+ to read ("To the Ark" is from Marble Hornets)

  • "RedVacktor Experiment Chaos" - A RedVacktor Fanfic
    18 1 1

    This is dedicated to RedVacktor (nicknamed "Red") over at Sky Media. This will include: Swearing Weirdness Youtubers Fan-Made Backstory enjoy :3 make sure you check out RedVacktor's channel.

  • Art Book 2 - BOSSNESS!!
    1.9K 201 73

    Ye Enjoy

  • CreepyPasta Character Stories
    120K 1.9K 28

    Enjoy the stories of the creepypasta characters. I do not own any of these awesome characters and if they do,it will say (oc) after the name.

  • The Book Of Roleplays
    26.3K 166 56

    Bored out of your mind? How about some roleplay? This book have many rps for ya so knock yourself out.

  • My Challenge Book
    35 4 2

    Amy will hate me.. challenges can be found here from "Oreo Roulette" to "Duct Tape" Challenge..

  • RWBY (My Fan-Made Story)
    39 4 2

    -PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION!- I do not own RWBY or it's characters and settings. I only own my characters and I might use a friend's RWBY OCs in this. ______________________________________________

  • Creepypasta Memes
    350K 16K 39

    All memes are by meh... enjoy!! XD

  • Siren's Song (Collab Comic Version)
    2.1K 117 4

    Original found in @Dah_Cassanuva_ID's Channel

  • Story of Sprinkles the Unicorn Puppet (Story for Ross -w-)
    64 4 1

    dis book is for Ross the Squirrel. Ross I hope u enjoy dis (All art in dis book is not mine unless I say so)

  • CreepyPasta/Horror Files
    501 16 8

    My first CreepyPasta/Horror book so far. I hope you guys enjoyed it I tried to make it scary because this is the first time I've wrote a horror-themed book.

  • Random Crap
    2K 341 127

    Sequel to my original "Junk Drawer" book.

  • My Past... (Sabrina's Story)
    320 44 14

    5th Book to the "My Past" Series. This one, will be a special one, since Sabrina is a VERY special OC and I feel like you all need to know her story. Rated: T for Teens Must be 13+ to read

  • Truth or Dare with OCs (DISCONTINUED)
    57 16 5

    Characters will contain: -Anna -Kira -Sabrina -Real Anna (Me) -Alternate Anna and her cousins (Hopefully) This is a truth or dare book. You guys give us a dare nor a make us say a truth. This might be rated "Mature" because if some cussing and horror-related dares that might happen..

  • The Forbidden Forrest: A sequel to Finding A New Creepypasta
    6.5K 355 11

    The saga continues! You already Tiff aka Singer Of Death. Now meet her new friend, Kevin, a 14 year old Black Eyed Child with a harsh past. He used to live in The Horror Forrest which is under rule by Vampires who aren't that nice. What happens when Tiffany accidentally strolls in the "Forbidden" forrest? But little...

  • Finding a new Creepypasta: The CreepyPasta Family
    158K 4.9K 20

    10 year old Tiff is a creepy pasta fangirl.. She read the stories and even draws pictures of them. But, she gets bullied because she likes it. People make fun of her favorite characters and she HATES that the most. The bullying gets so bad, that she blackouts in the middle of the street. But then she realizes that...

  • Bill Cipher's Son
    818K 23.1K 42

    Bill wanted someone to care for and share his knowledge with, just between the two of them. But Bill never wanted a lover, being a demon was an advantage because they were a mix of both genders. Then when it's almost time for the baby to come, Stanford enters and banishes Bill into a deep place into the mindscape. Aft...

  • My Summer at Camp Woodwin (An Original Story by LittleAnnaSmith)
    68 11 5

    This book was inspired by something I did in school, no joke 2nd period we did a "Complete and Incomplete Sentences" worksheet and there were some interesting sentences in the "incomplete" section and I wrote some of them down, making them complete sentences as if it were from a book. I told my teacher that I would u...

  • Who I am
    83 7 7

    THIS BOOK IS JUST FICTION!! THE RP WE DO ON ZERG HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! I need to stop using caps.. This is a book I wrote on my PC when the internet was out, I hope you guys enjoy it@

  • Art Book of 2017
    3.6K 582 174

    This is the art book for the year of 2017, I hope you enjoy all of the art I put in it for your entertainment.

  • Art Book!! 💜
    5.4K 927 169

    OK, I think maybe I should move all my old/recent/new art to dis book.

  • EnderOni
    477K 18.6K 47

    It all started with a letter. A letter that brought them to a mansion. A mansion that then trapped them inside with a monster. A monster known as the EnderOni. Now 13 unlucky minecrafters are trapped inside the EnderOni's mansion, forced to solve puzzles and fight battles to even keep alive, let alone escape. But it d...

  • Alternate Universe Stories & Random Rps
    2.4K 79 29

    Alternate Universes where everything is just the opposite. OK The stories/Rps that'll be included are: -High School (Alternate Universe) -Borrower -MCD -Yandere (HOPEFULLY) -Something similar to A-Con (From Mystreet)

  • I dunno man I'm bored
    148 15 11

    Woot Woot. Im bored and I really just dunno what to do XD

  • My Very Own Wattpad QnAs V1
    927 82 38

    This book will ONLY be for QnAs here on Wattpad, I might do some art to go along with the questions when I get the time. You all can ask me and my friends/cousins/family Sabrina, Kira, Samules, Ty, Laura, Mavis, Sabine, Savannah, Darcy, and Drake. Try to keep the questions PG friendly OK?
