Creepypasta Collection
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the pieces presented in this collection. Given this, I hope you enjoy! Sources are all posted in their respective chapters. Star ratings are subjective.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the pieces presented in this collection. Given this, I hope you enjoy! Sources are all posted in their respective chapters. Star ratings are subjective.
HEYO, DID YA' MISS THE BOOK?! I MADE A NEW ONE! OF COURSE YOU DID! If you don't know what this is, you have to try the first one ever! Creepypasta CRACK CRACK CRACK! BEN: SHOPPING! *walks over me* Jeff: *is being dragged* Please no help me........ Trenderman: SHOPPIIIIING~! *walks over me* Me: *is trampled* https://ww...