And So We Wait
This was a short story project I had to do for Creative Writing class. It's about a girl named Clara and her experiences surviving the first day of the London Blitz. Enjoy!
This was a short story project I had to do for Creative Writing class. It's about a girl named Clara and her experiences surviving the first day of the London Blitz. Enjoy!
,,So one last time I need to be the one who takes you home." Všetci si mysleli, že jedného dňa sa rozšíri vírus, ktorý premení ľudí na zombíkov a tým sa normálny život na Zemi skončí, no dopadlo to celkom inak. Sama Matka Zem sa rozhodla život ukončiť. Padajúce meteority, zemetrasenia a náhle zmeny počasia aj tomu mus...