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  • Updates
    2.5K 269 34

    Just a thing full of updates for stories and junk

  • Oneshots Galore
    789 44 4

    I never write stuff anymore because I have no motivation but I can manage a little oneshot every now and then until I get back in the groove.

  • Stupid Arts and Crafts Book
    10.4K 694 31

    Just some Homestuck art shit I've done.

  • How Not To Fanfiction
    8.6K 390 17

    This is basically cliche things that homestuck fanfiction writers do that drives me crazy. I WILL MAJORLY EXAGGERATE AND MAKE RUDE JOKES ABOUT SOME OF THESE THINGS. IF YOU DO ANY OF THESE THINGS (I'm sure I probably do too) IM SORRY IF YOU GET OFFENDED. ITS NOTHING PERSONAL. Read on at your own risk and enjoy.

  • The Big Book of Ships
    1.1K 74 5

    Me just making a filler story about ships I like and don't like and why.

  • Homestuck Poems
    2.2K 214 10

    I get bored a lot and often write poetry. Here's some I did about Homestuck. Enjoy.

  • Ask Dave and Karkat + Mayor
    6.5K 475 22

    I've seen a lot of these, so I feel like maybe I should do one. That way, when I'm being lazy, I can give you guys some content. So ask away I guess.

  • Dave Strider Writes Some Fanfiction About His Friends
    11K 774 22

    So firstly, this is pretty much Dave writing in a notebook about his friends being shipped together. It will have a real backstory kind of. I got the idea from someone who made a story where it's Karkat writing fanfiction shipping himself with people. I adore the idea and I feel like Dave would have some awesome af id...