I'll Be The Life of The Party
Everything changes for Drew and Kier on the night of Laurence's 25th birthday.
Everything changes for Drew and Kier on the night of Laurence's 25th birthday.
10 years ago a massacre disrupted the palace ball and a young Prince's birthday. Only one survives, the Prince himself, having been taken from the ball by a mysterious boy and saved from what happens. 10 years later, on the same night the same boy appears and history repeats itself. One friend is captured by a ruthles...
"I need all of you to know that I'm here with you every step of the way... but you know what's magical? You're strong enough. Just believe." - Kier Kemp
Shane and Drew have exactly the same problem, a troubled family life, but neither are aware until they are put together for a science project. In this story, Class clown and School geek come together and help each other through by two things, Music and Love. written by @heytherechl0e & @mailisbellamy
**ON HIATUS** A tragedy befalls onto Fearless Vampire Killers and cracks begin to show, yet everyone seems closer than ever as they only have one another to keep each other from falling apart. But the real question is, will Kier make it through the dark?
Shane summer works in his best friends music store. It's just the two of them and he likes it that way. But what will happen when drew woolnough becomes part of their lives.
Drew and Shane have been best friends since they were little kids. Their relationship is, surprisingly, entirely platonic, and the pair seem to be just fine with it; or at least one of them is. When Shane admits his true feelings for Drew, and Drew begins to question his real feelings for his friend, will their friend...
When you're a fairy life becomes pretty dependent on the smallest of things.
Grand London is ment to be the most well-known city in Grandomina, but it's not looking up to be all that Grand.. Though within this very city, is where an unforgettable journey begins. A journey through history, friendship, and most of all, love. A love stronger than anyone could have ever, ever imagined...
Every so often, i get the idea for a random one shot. It's usually Timid or Keveridge pairing, as are all my stories. This wont get updated as much as my chaptered fics are, however i am open to requests if anyone so wishes. Thanks :D
Kier is rapidly falling apart and the only one who can put him back together is his closest friend, Laurence. But the only way to patch him up is by discovering Kier's most hidden secrets. (Ok I suck at writing descriptions I'm sorry.) This could possibly be slightly triggering
I can't write descriptions for shit ;-; Warning: Includes scenes of self harm, swearing and that's about it really. Enjoy :)
Kier has been searching for Laurence for a long time. When he finally finds him, things seem to be perfect. But how long will they stay that way.
Drew is the everyday teenager, parent problems, disliked for music taste, and cast out from the crowd. But what if there is that one person, that one person that could be the answer, to every single problem life throws at you? (Teen-fic, Timids Tale..) A life before fame..
Well here you have it the sequel to Fetish For The Finite. It has the same characters and a few more. They're actually on Kerrang tour in this fanfic so expect a few other bands band members featuring throughout too!
Why does Barrone constantly want detention? Drew makes it his mission to find out. Drew/Barrone fic. Timid/Fearless Vampire Killers fic.
A Fearless vampire killers Fanfic by me. If anyone was wondering or interested the cover is a picture I took when I saw their acoustic set live at download 2012 :D
Kellen Batelle doesn't exactly have the easiest life: her father is a raging alcoholic and drug addict, who constantly uses all of her money and then blames her when he doesn't have enough for his daily fix. He blames her for her older brother, Adam, committing suicide when she was only eight years old, and for her mo...