Correr- Run
Its in Español y English . By alondra moreno
I crawled in through Chad's bedroom window, the silly dick had left it open. I'm dressed head to toe in black, a kick-ass ninja belt around my waist, well really it's my Dads builders utility belt, back from the time when he thought DIY was his "thing"-It's not. I can only imagine what someone would think if they saw...
Little Jezebel taken at 3 years. "Hello is anyone out there" said Jezbel. With a loud bang near where she was. never seen a man that tall and big with a weird thing I his hand and yelling strange words. Thinking tough my brain who is he and what is he waning from me.
Supongo que todos necesitamos desahogarnos de vez en cuando, en algún sitio donde sentirnos queridos, donde nadie nos vaya a juzgar o simplemente, no nos conozcan, donde poder ser nosotros mismos sin ataduras. He aquí todo mi ser al desnudo. No es la típica historia donde por acciones del destino ambas personas se con...