Set in present day time, a young 8 year old boy named Jeffrey created an imaginary friend named Majesty. Murder's start happening, Jeffrey will have to discover what is real and what isn't???
Set in present day time, a young 8 year old boy named Jeffrey created an imaginary friend named Majesty. Murder's start happening, Jeffrey will have to discover what is real and what isn't???
A new war has broken out between the Vampires now this is no Twilight this a new series
Nathen Dawson is so in love with his girlfriend, Tracy. The two of them are as happy as any couple can be, and there is literally nothing that can get in the way of their love. least that's what Nathen thought. That's what he thought until someone who has been there for him his entire life starts to end up...
The title is pretty self explanatory. Its just horror stories. (Which most of them I do not own.) Please leave a vote to show support and check out Conclusion. The final part of the Horror series that I will be doing.
Words of darkness forged from my own, twisted imagination. So tell me what you think! Copyright © iraforever101
I recently went to a bookstore and decided to write down it's poems: by ROBERT M. DRAKE. BLACK BUTTERFLY.