The Book Of Fairy Tail & Minecraft Diaries Randomest
All Your Favorite Fairy Tail Characters Able To DO Truth Or Dare You Are Making Up ( Also If You Are Here For Minecraft Diaries Go To Chapter 8)
All Your Favorite Fairy Tail Characters Able To DO Truth Or Dare You Are Making Up ( Also If You Are Here For Minecraft Diaries Go To Chapter 8)
Gray is stating a his first year of college he had to leave his old friends when he left high school but something or a certain someone caught his eye
erza- is a daughter of loving father and mother but after her mother died when giving birth to Wendy everything became dark she realized this world is dark and scary place she was raised in a farm and was home schooled she never really talked to people she is very socially awkward besides her family Mira's family died...
"Don't Look back just keep on running" was 9 at the time when the incident happened Erza does not know if she is died or alive what well happen will Erza and Nicole ever see each other........
I will be covering my opinion on Fairy Tail ships even the ones I personally don't ship but don't worry I am going to be very respectful to all ships and opinions. :D so plz lets not make the comments into World War 3 Thank you all XD
This story is about how Erza loves her family and would do anything to protect them (even natsu and gray) this is the anime Fariy Tail I do not own this anime I wish I did though this is my first Fanfiction do plz don'... read grays pint of view and 1st ch here
" love is a war you can win and you can lose but it always comes with sacrifices and pain" -Erza Scarlet " I was afraid to love you and when I loved you I was afraide to lose you" -Gray Fullbuster " I am a Lover because I felt hate "-Lucy Heartfilia " If I had to choose between Loving you or breathing I would use my...
this is fairy tail high school with all your favorite fairy tail characters and some you might not notice ( unless you read my fairy tail truth or dare 0