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  • Deemon minu sees
    15.3K 1.1K 20

    Mika Sasaki on probleemne tütarlaps kristlikust perekonnast, kes on peamine kiusualune koolis. Keegi ei tea, mida ta peab koguaeg tundma. Keegi ei tea, et ta on neetud. Kui kooli ühe kõige populaarsema poistekamba liikmel hakkab Mikast kahju ja tahab tüdrukuga sõbraks saada, pole tal aimugi, et ta seab oma elu ohtu, k...

  • A secret of Super Junior's heart
    21.5K 641 17

    Donghae didn't know what to do or what to say when he saw Eunhyuk its oppsite, blood in his mouth. Can they still be friends? Is Eunhyuk the only vampire in this building? Is Eunhyuk abel to control himself around Donghae?
