Taylor Swift Facts
Facts about the beauty, talented singer she is, Taylor Swift! Follow her on: Twitter: taylorswift13 Insturgram: taylorswift Facebook: Taylor Swift and PLEASE PLEASE follow ROSIESWIFT13 on Insturgram!
Facts about the beauty, talented singer she is, Taylor Swift! Follow her on: Twitter: taylorswift13 Insturgram: taylorswift Facebook: Taylor Swift and PLEASE PLEASE follow ROSIESWIFT13 on Insturgram!
A Swiftie with a shitty life who got a huge lifechange as soon as she met her idol. Well, kinda like meeting her idol... a story full of troubles as well for our 13-years old Swiftie,called Madi, as for Taylor Swift.
In Taylor Swift's lyric booklets some letters in the songs are capitals. If you string these together they reveal special secrets about the songs. This book is just a book of those messages. SOME OF THESE MAY BE WRONG OR I MAY NOT HAVE FIGURED THEM OUT YET. PLS HELP ME WITH ONES I CANNOT DO OR ARE WRONG!!!!! all the c...
Kaitlyn is just a regular girl. Taylor Swift is just a regular girl. But their story, is quite the opposite. [To those now reading: Please bare with me while you read this story. I first wrote this when I was 12/13 years old, and my grammar skills were terrible. I am slowly editing this so that it will be more grammat...
{ Taylor Swift: a flawless female being who sets unrealistic standards for other humans. Her inimitable lyrical perfection is portrayed in all seven albums and is envied by other artists. With unattainable beauty and excellent style, Taylor shows her kindness through altruistic acts.} If you happen to hate Taylor Swif...
Taylor Swift Fearless Speak Now Red 1989. Extras: Taylor Swift Holiday Collections. «all rights reserved. These songs aren't mine, they belong to Taylor Swift.» COPYRIGHT © 2014, sparks_fly22 PUBLISHED: June 12, 2014 COMPLETED: March 2, 2017 REACHED 300K: March 16, 2017 REACHED 5K VOTES: June 22, 2017
What inspired Taylor to write each track on Red? While Taylor has shared so much with us, there are some things that only the Swift One knows. After writing Taylor Swift: The Platinum Edition, our biography of Taylor, we couldn't resist imagining the stories behind the songs of Red. Though each story is inspired by t...
Harry Styles is thankful when Taylor Swift offers for him to stay with her for a couple of days due to his car getting stuck in a snowstorm, but spending eight days goofing around and doing Christmas activities can really bring two people together... They could even fall in love.