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  • Poetry and Stuff
    621 70 19

    A collection of my random thoughts, squished together into poetry, songs, and just words. Enjoy

  • The Sound of Blue
    137 22 4

    The ocean is deadly, taking its toll on thousands. Its embrace crushes villages, erodes mountains to the ground, and pulls many to its depths. But one of the most deadly parts about the ocean is the killers that lurk within it. Creatures that rip sailors away and lure them to their deaths. Creatures that can only be i...

  • No Wings To Fly
    3.1K 360 36

    "Your Wings Were Ready But My Heart Was Not." ~David Fylnn A girl and boy hopelessly fall for each-other when the world seems like it is crashing down around them. The two try to find themselves and alter their future together, though they are given limited time. A story of sacrifice, friendship, and young and reckle...
