InsaneStuck [Sollux x Karkat]
It's all fun and games until someone goes insane~
The shorter troll was wearing a long black pull over hoody with grey skinny jeans. His hair was disheveled and flowed perfectly around his small nubby horns. He was a small guy with the feminine features. His slender legs and arms mashed with his flawless skin. He was utmost adorable troll he had ever seen. When the...
Dave looked up the night sky, his eyes shimmering under the moon's light. He looked relax. The kind of look you haven't seen from him a long. "Since we can't go back in time" Dave said softly. "Let's bring back the past again... When we didn't care anything much about the world but us...when it was I"...
Hi derps, As some of you may know, My account was hacked into and this story was deleted. Luckily I don't just write it on my Wattpad account for I have a better much safer program to use. Description: You're looking through your old files and you find a yellow smiley face. It wasn't there before, You never downloade...
This is Probably one of the worse Stories I've made lol